Hi there…

I’m Debbie Lurvey!

I am so grateful that you are here.

I am grateful that you find yourself willing to find out what is not only possible for YOU, but what is also ACHIEVABLE for YOU.

My first diet started when I was 20. I spent 30-years losing and gaining the same weight and adding more pounds after each failed attempt. I have spent the vast majority of my 50+ years of life living, and making choices, from a place of guilt and shame.

I was always trying to make up for something I did wrong in my past. That continual trying created more guilt and shame because it is impossible to fix the events from my past, no matter how hard I tried.

I used food and alcohol to help me ‘cope’ with the guilt and shame. These coping mechanisms led me to feeling more of the same emotions EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

This all led me to becoming a woman who was over 240 pounds and a regular black out drinker.  Upon meeting new people, I would share all of the mistakes from my past. I figured if you knew how imperfect I was as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend and all of the things, you would be able to make an informed decision of whether I was worthy of being in your life.

That was then and this is now.

I am grateful that I know I have an imperfect past and I am grateful that my past no longer defines me. It is part of my story. I can’t change it. I can’t fix it. No amount of guilt, shame, alcohol or food will change my past.

I am a woman who has lost 100 pounds and I have maintained that weight loss for over 3 years.

I am a woman who has not consumed alcohol in more than 5 years.

I am a wife, mother, sister, friend, and more, who has learned that what I do in this moment is what I am in control of and guilt and shame are no longer the place I make decisions from.

I am a woman who is worthy of knowing, no matter the number on the scale or the imperfect parts of my life.

I know that I share a similar story to so many women.

We believe that because it always has been, it must always be. Change is too hard. I can’t lose weight. I can’t achieve lasting weight loss. I have all of the proof to back me up.

But, what if you CAN too!

Working with life coaches showed me what I could become when I was willing to do the work. We worked together to figure out why I was eating, which was key to not only my weight loss journey, but the journey to believing I could achieve my goals.

I learned that weight loss didn’t have to be hard. I learned the 4 daily steps to take toward my goals. Through those 4 daily steps, I lost my first pound and kept going until I reached my goal. I was not perfect with those 4 daily steps, but I kept moving forward even after the imperfect days.

I became a Certified Life Coach and obtained an Advanced Certification as a Weight Loss Coach so that I could work with women to not only believe that their weight loss goals are possible, they are achievable.

Weight loss does not have to be hard. Lasting weight loss comes from a place of awareness, a place of understanding, a place of grace and a place of love!

Are you ready to achieve your lasting weight loss goals?  

I am ready to show you what is possible when you show up for yourself. When you move forward with the 4 daily steps, imperfectly perfect, you will achieve your goals.

Are you ready to become an example of what is possible? Let’s set up a time to chat! I’d love to hear your story!